Natural Disaster

  1. 4. A storm with small balls of ice that fall like rain.
  2. 6. An overflowing of water in a normally dry area.
  3. 8. A large Wave.
  4. 10. rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud.
  5. 12. An intense wind and rain storm that is formed in the ocean tropics.
  6. 13. A cavity in the ground.
  7. 14. A storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail.
  8. 15. sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust.
  1. 1. A heavy snow storm with strong winds.
  2. 2. A windstorm that lifts up clods or dust or sand. Also is a song.
  3. 3. when gas and/or lava are released from a volcano—sometimes explosively.
  4. 5. a large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush.
  5. 7. the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
  6. 9. A great mass of falling snow and ice
  7. 11. A long period of dry weather.