Natural Disaster

  1. 2. A severe tropical storm with strong winds and heavy rainfall.
  2. 4. A large-scale, atmospheric circulation system characterized by rotating winds.
  3. 6. A large amount of water covering normally dry land.
  4. 7. A storm that coats surfaces with a layer of ice due to freezing rain.
  5. 9. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, resulting in water shortage.
  6. 10. An uncontrolled fire that spreads rapidly across vegetation and forested areas.
  7. 11. A storm with thunder and lightning, often accompanied by rain or hail.
  8. 14. A sudden and rapid flow of snow down a mountainside.
  9. 15. A severe snowstorm characterized by strong winds and reduced visibility.
  1. 1. The release of molten rock, ash, and gases from a volcano.
  2. 3. The downward movement of rocks and soil on a steep slope.
  3. 5. A sudden shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
  4. 8. A powerful ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.
  5. 12. A prolonged period of excessively hot weather.
  6. 13. A violent rotating column of air that is in contact with the ground.