Natural Disaster

  1. 6. It releases lava, ash, and gases into the air.
  2. 8. A very strong storm with powerful winds and heavy rain, usually occurring in coastal areas.
  3. 10. A storm with thunder, lightning, rain, and sometimes hail or strong winds.
  4. 11. A prolonged period of extremely hot weather, with high temperatures and little relief.
  5. 13. A large-scale, rotating storm with strong winds, often referred to as a hurricane or typhoon.
  6. 14. A fast-spreading fire that burns trees, plants, and other vegetation in forests or grasslands.
  1. 1. A giant wave in the ocean, usually caused by an underwater earthquake or volcano eruption.
  2. 2. When an area becomes covered in water, often due to heavy rainfall or overflowing rivers.
  3. 3. A long period of time with little or no rain, which can lead to dry and parched land.
  4. 4. A mass of snow that slides down a mountain, often causing danger to people and buildings.
  5. 5. A severe winter storm with heavy snow, strong winds, and very cold temperatures.
  6. 7. When rocks, soil, or debris move quickly down a slope or hillside.
  7. 9. A shaking of the ground caused by movement in the Earth's crust.
  8. 12. A spinning column of air that touches the ground, causing strong winds and destruction.