Natural Disaster

  1. 4. a vortex of rotating wind, funnel shaped in appearance
  2. 5. strong bitterly cold wind and heavy snowfall
  3. 7. falling in rapid copious quantities.
  4. 8. sudden violent gust of wind
  5. 10. cavity in the ground caused by a erosion.
  6. 12. a very strong wind
  7. 14. a sudden violent shaking of the ground
  8. 16. oceanic waves from an Earthquake
  9. 17. a whirlpool in the ocean
  10. 19. a cyclonic tropical wind storm
  1. 1. action of moving from a natural disaster
  2. 2. the sliding of mud and earth down a hillside
  3. 3. a sudden strong downdraft
  4. 6. a mass of snow and ice falling down a mountain side
  5. 9. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall
  6. 11. large volcanic crater
  7. 13. the sliding of a mass of earth and rock
  8. 15. an old name for a wind storm
  9. 16. a tropical storm in the region of India or the Pacific ocean
  10. 18. pellets of frozen rain from cumulonimbus clouds