Natural Disaster

  1. 3. Occurs in warm and dry weather, especially common in Australia
  2. 6. A sudden increase in water level, causing water to flow above ground
  3. 7. Forms when magma escapes the Earth’s crust rapidly
  4. 12. Occurs when a liquid turns into gas
  5. 13. Sudden flow of electricity in the atmosphere due to accumulated potential difference
  6. 14. A tropical storm that occurs in the Asian region
  7. 15. Occurs when tectonic plates rub against each other, creating friction
  8. 16. A type of climate and region of Earth where it is warm and humid
  9. 17. Magma that escapes to the surface of the Earth
  1. 1. A large wave of water created by an earthquake in the seafloor
  2. 2. Describes events occurring in the atmosphere
  3. 4. A tropical storm that occurs in the American region
  4. 5. The centre line of Earth that rings the planet in East-West direction
  5. 8. A tropical storm that occurs in the southern hemisphere
  6. 9. A condition where water is scarce due to lack of rainwater
  7. 10. Describes events occurring within the Earth's crust
  8. 11. Melted rock inside of the Earth’s crust