Natural Disasters

  1. 2. people fleeing from their homes because something is making them unsafe (9 letters)
  2. 3. when the ground trembles and shakes (11 letters)
  3. 7. an experience that damages you mentally (12 letters)
  4. 8. a chunk of rock that comes crashing from space into earths atmosphere
  5. 9. heavy winds and rains, like a tornado but different
  6. 10. a liquid that sometimes floods towns. this liquid makes up the sea
  7. 12. the funnel of wind that carried Dorothy away in the wonderful wizard of oz (7 letters)
  1. 1. an illness where your body functions shut down in the extreme cold (11 letters)
  2. 4. natural disasters are life ----------- to people (11 letters)
  3. 5. half sunk under water (9 letters)
  4. 6. something that is set up to hold of floods (7 letters)
  5. 11. a vent in the ground that spews out a hot liquid (7 letters)
  6. 12. a massive, destructive wave (7 letters)