- 2. a fire burning in an area of land with many trees
- 7. small earthquake that happens after a bigger one
- 10. physical harm caused to something
- 12. mountain from which hot melted rock, gas, steam, and ash from inside the earth sometimes burst
- 13. whole or complete
- 15. to fall down suddenly after falling apart
- 16. big or huge
- 18. a person who lives in a particular place
- 19. a large wave caused by movements in Earth's outer layer, which move ocean water.
- 20. someone who actually saw something happen
- 1. to produce flames and heat
- 3. .... is an intense shaking of Earth's surface. The shaking is caused by movements in Earth's outermost layer.
- 4. a type of weather that causes very strong winds and heavy rain.
- 5. to happen
- 6. A mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
- 8. to become filled or covered with water
- 9. without a home
- 10. a long period of time during which no rain falls
- 11. a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea ocean and etc.
- 14. very scared
- 17. a black gas that is produced by something burning