Natural disasters

  1. 3. I was caught in a _____________(n). I couldn’t move the car, there was snow everywhere.
  2. 5. They are cutting the trees to reduce the risk of a __________ ____________ (n).
  3. 7. I don’t usually go to Thailand between July and October. ____________ (n) season makes it difficult to go on excursions because it pours all the time!
  4. 8. An_____________ (n) causes the earth to shake.
  1. 1. The __________(n) that hit the coast of Australia last month destroyed the village completely.
  2. 2. Fires are often caused by a _____________(n). The hot weather can burn the bushes.
  3. 4. A ________ (n)can destroy a town. Those huge waves can be incredibly dangerous.
  4. 6. There was heavy rain outside , so the whole street was_____________ (adj) .