- 3. happen when cold and warm air mix
- 5. can cause severe flooding or even tsunamis
- 8. happen when ground gets to weak to support itself
- 10. have devastating effects notably to Florida
- 12. happens when to much water enter an area
- 13. Side Effects of Earthquakes
- 14. to much rain making mud on slopes weaker
- 1. lightning and thunder happen, very common
- 2. blows ash into the atmosphere.
- 4. very easy to cause and very dangerous, found on snowy mountains
- 6. pellets of ice ranging up to the size of gold balls form and fall
- 7. when an area doesn’t get enough rainfall
- 8. when wind blows sand
- 9. weather it’s man made or not it happens a lot
- 11. very heavy and apparent snow fall