Natural Disasters 天災

  1. 4. A large storm with strong winds and lots of rain. They come to Taiwan often.
  2. 6. These usually come with earthquakes that are in the sea. A lot of water comes onto land and washes everything away.
  3. 7. These are large FIREs that happen in dry places when people aren't careful or lightning strikes dry leaves.
  4. 8. This is a kind of storm in which you have a lot of snow and strong winds.
  5. 9. This is a mountain that can explode. They can put out either lava or ash.
  1. 1. This puzzle is about natural _____.
  2. 2. This is a disaster in which the ground shakes.
  3. 3. If it rains a lot, one of these might happen where a whole city can go underwater.
  4. 5. Balls of ice falling from the sky. They can come in many sizes and can destroy cars.
  5. 6. A strong spinning wind that can blow over houses and throw cars. They are usually not very big.