Natural Disasters

  1. 5. a storm of very strong winds that form a cone.
  2. 7. someone who is hurt, injured, or killed by a person, group, or event.
  3. 8. to run away or escape.
  4. 9. a long period with little or no rain.
  5. 12. a shaking of part of the earth's surface.
  6. 13. a fire burning in an area of land with many trees.
  7. 16. When this erupts, smoke and lava come out.
  8. 17. You can find this in space.
  1. 1. the fire started in a campsite but it quickly ________ to the forest.
  2. 2. a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry, usually after heavy rain.
  3. 3. to leave a place for safety reasons.
  4. 4. to continue to live after being in great danger.
  5. 6. an escape of oil into the sea.
  6. 10. a very large, destructive sea wave.
  7. 11. a violent wind that has a circular movement.
  8. 14. the falling of earth and rocks down a steep slope.
  9. 15. to free or save people in danger.