Natural Disasters

  1. 1. A smaller-scale storm that comes from the sea to the land, bringing strong winds and heavy rain, posing risks to the surroundings.
  2. 5. Rainfall A sudden and excessive amount of rain pouring down, leading to overflowing water and flooding in nearby areas.
  3. 6. A sudden shaking or movement of the ground, also known as "ground vibrations," which can cause buildings or other objects to shake or collapse.
  4. 8. A sudden slide of a large amount of snow on a mountain or hill, occurring in snowy regions and posing dangers to the surrounding areas.
  5. 9. Eruption The occurrence where hot lava, gas, and ash burst out from a volcano in an explosive manner, creating loud noises and presenting dangers to the surroundings.
  1. 2. A large storm that originates from the sea and brings powerful winds and heavy rainfall when it moves to the land, potentially causing damage to buildings, trees, etc.
  2. 3. A sudden electrical discharge occurring between clouds or between clouds and the ground, often accompanied by thunder and presenting potential dangers to the surroundings.
  3. 4. Waves Waves that spread through the ground during an earthquake, with the vibration causing the ground or buildings to shake.
  4. 5. Snowfall A sudden and significant amount of snow falling, resulting in deep snow cover in the surrounding areas and impacting roads and transportation.
  5. 7. A sudden overflow of water due to heavy rainfall or excessive water accumulation in rivers, causing surrounding lands to be submerged.