Natural disasters

  1. 3. (napoved)A prediction or estimation of future events, especially in relation to weather.
  2. 7. (smrtne žrtve)The occurrence of death resulting from a disaster or accident.
  3. 8. (etično)Relating to principles of right and wrong conduct, morally acceptable.
  4. 10. (prilagoditi se) To adjust or change to suit new conditions or circumstances.
  5. 16. (nerodoviten)Incapable of supporting life, lacking vegetation or fertility.
  6. 17. (odpornost)The ability to recover or bounce back from adversity.
  7. 18. (nepredvidljivost)The quality of being difficult to foresee or anticipate.
  8. 19. (pospešiti)To make a situation, condition, or problem worse
  9. 20. (prihod, začetek) The beginning or start of something, such as a disaster.
  10. 23. (neizbežen)Likely to occur at any moment, impending.
  11. 25. (zmanjšati, mitigirati)To lessen the severity or impact of something.
  12. 26. (kaskadno, zaporedno) Occurring in a sequence with a series of interconnected events.
  13. 27. (ekstenzivno)Covering a large area or having a broad range.
  14. 28. (intervencija)The act or process of becoming involved in a situation to alter its course or outcome.
  15. 29. (obilje, obilnost)A plentiful or ample quantity of something.
  1. 1. (nihanje)The act or state of swinging back and forth at a regular pace.
  2. 2. (natančen) Exact, accurate, and clearly defined.
  3. 4. (ohranjati)To support or maintain over an extended period of time.
  4. 5. (erozija) The gradual wearing away of soil, rock, or land by natural processes.
  5. 6. (podaljšano) Extended in duration or length.
  6. 9. (minimizirati, zmanjšati)To reduce or keep to the smallest possible degree.
  7. 11. (motnja, prekinitev)The act of causing disorder or disturbance, often to normal situations.
  8. 12. (učinek)The effects or influences resulting from a particular action or event.
  9. 13. (olajšati)To make an action or process easier or more achievable.
  10. 14. (ranljivost)How likely you are to be harmed or damaged, especially in the face of potential threats.
  11. 15. (nadomestitev)The process by which an ecosystem undergoes changes over time following a disturbance.
  12. 17. (zanesljiv) In a dependable and consistent manner.
  13. 21. (anomalija)Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
  14. 22. (bližajoč se)About to happen, approaching or imminent.
  15. 24. (katastrofalno)Involving or causing a sudden and widespread disaster.