- 3. (napoved)A prediction or estimation of future events, especially in relation to weather.
- 7. (smrtne žrtve)The occurrence of death resulting from a disaster or accident.
- 8. (etično)Relating to principles of right and wrong conduct, morally acceptable.
- 10. (prilagoditi se) To adjust or change to suit new conditions or circumstances.
- 16. (nerodoviten)Incapable of supporting life, lacking vegetation or fertility.
- 17. (odpornost)The ability to recover or bounce back from adversity.
- 18. (nepredvidljivost)The quality of being difficult to foresee or anticipate.
- 19. (pospešiti)To make a situation, condition, or problem worse
- 20. (prihod, začetek) The beginning or start of something, such as a disaster.
- 23. (neizbežen)Likely to occur at any moment, impending.
- 25. (zmanjšati, mitigirati)To lessen the severity or impact of something.
- 26. (kaskadno, zaporedno) Occurring in a sequence with a series of interconnected events.
- 27. (ekstenzivno)Covering a large area or having a broad range.
- 28. (intervencija)The act or process of becoming involved in a situation to alter its course or outcome.
- 29. (obilje, obilnost)A plentiful or ample quantity of something.
- 1. (nihanje)The act or state of swinging back and forth at a regular pace.
- 2. (natančen) Exact, accurate, and clearly defined.
- 4. (ohranjati)To support or maintain over an extended period of time.
- 5. (erozija) The gradual wearing away of soil, rock, or land by natural processes.
- 6. (podaljšano) Extended in duration or length.
- 9. (minimizirati, zmanjšati)To reduce or keep to the smallest possible degree.
- 11. (motnja, prekinitev)The act of causing disorder or disturbance, often to normal situations.
- 12. (učinek)The effects or influences resulting from a particular action or event.
- 13. (olajšati)To make an action or process easier or more achievable.
- 14. (ranljivost)How likely you are to be harmed or damaged, especially in the face of potential threats.
- 15. (nadomestitev)The process by which an ecosystem undergoes changes over time following a disturbance.
- 17. (zanesljiv) In a dependable and consistent manner.
- 21. (anomalija)Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
- 22. (bližajoč se)About to happen, approaching or imminent.
- 24. (katastrofalno)Involving or causing a sudden and widespread disaster.