Natural disasters

  1. 2. The act of saving someone from a dangerous or distressing situation, such as a natural disaster.
  2. 4. An overflow of water that submerges land which is normally dry, often caused by heavy rain, river overflow, or melting snow.
  3. 8. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  4. 9. The movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope due to gravity, often triggered by heavy rain or earthquakes.
  5. 10. The process of moving people from a dangerous area to a safer location due to an impending or ongoing disaster.
  1. 1. Organizations or public agencies, such as fire departments, police, and medical teams, that respond to urgent and dangerous situations to protect people and property.
  2. 3. A violent disturbance in the atmosphere marked by strong winds, rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.
  3. 5. Harm or destruction caused to property, infrastructure, or the environment as a result of a disaster.
  4. 6. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often caused by movements within the earth's crust or volcanic activity.
  5. 7. A large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland or brush, often caused by human activity or natural occurrences like lightning.