Natural disasters

  1. 2. When water covers land that is usually dry quickly.
  2. 4. You feel the ground suddenly shake, and nearby objects are trembling.
  3. 5. A lack or insufficient amount of rain for an extended period of time
  4. 7. when those sediments are deposited, or dropped off, in a different location.
  5. 9. a type of weather that causes very strong winds and heavy rain.
  6. 10. an opening in the Earth's surface. Usually found in a mountain, the opening allows gas, hot magma and ash to escape from beneath the Earth's crust.
  1. 1. FIRE large uncontrolled fires that take place in the forest.
  2. 3. a natural process that slowly breaks apart or changes rock.
  3. 6. a storm with powerful rotating winds that form a column.
  4. 8. a large wave caused by movements in Earth's outer layer, or crust, which move ocean water..