Natural Disasters

  1. 3. a funnel of wind that destroys in a line
  2. 5. when many people across 3 or more countries get sick with the same disease.
  3. 7. burns things down, sometimes it's natural, sometimes it's from people
  4. 8. falling rocks or snow down a mountain
  5. 10. a large storm that has a lot of rain
  6. 11. covers everything with snow and ice. People are okay if they stay inside where it's warm
  1. 1. a wall of water from the ocean covers everything
  2. 2. there isn't enough food for everyone
  3. 4. the ground moves and shakes and buildings may fall if not built correctly
  4. 6. when many people across one country get sick with the same disease.
  5. 9. A large storm with high winds that causes damage over a wide area