Natural disasters and calamities

  1. 1. Turbulent water bursts its banks and covers fields and houses.
  2. 3. This is when a lot of rain falls suddenly.
  3. 6. When crops fail people don’t have enough food and they starve.
  4. 8. This happens when it doesn’t rain for some time and the ground is parched dry. There is a shortage of water.
  5. 10. The ground shakes and everything starts to fall down. Buildings collapse and people get trapped under debris.
  6. 13. Hot lava moves forward rapidly. Ash and pumice engulf everything on their way.
  7. 15. This is a disease that spreads rapidly and kills or affects a lot of people.
  8. 16. This is a lightning and loud noise that is connected with it.
  1. 2. Land or rocks fall down cliffs or a side of a mountain and cover roads and houses lying lower.
  2. 4. It’s boiling hot and people find it difficult to breathe and function normally.
  3. 5. People are trapped under a wall of snow that slides rapidly from a mountain.
  4. 7. When there is crops’ ... people are deprived of staple food and income connected with it.
  5. 9. This is a very strong wind.
  6. 11. This is an extremely violent wind or storm mainly in the western Pacific.
  7. 12. Wherever you look trees are burning Needless to say a lot of animals lose their habitat.
  8. 14. A huge wave from the ocean engulfs everything on its way. It usually claims many lives.