Natural disasters and their consequences

  1. 1. A series of waves caused by earthquakes or undersea volcanic eruptions.
  2. 3. The layer of gases, commonly known as air, surrounds the Earth. It protects life on Earth allowing for liquid water to exist on the surface, absorbs ultraviolet solar radiation, warms the surface etc.
  3. 4. Also snowstorm, snowfall.
  4. 5. Also called a twister or whirlwind.
  5. 6. Mountain, that allows hot lava, ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface.
  6. 8. Also called a debris flow, is a type of fast-moving landslide that follows a channel, such as a river.
  7. 11. An overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry.
  8. 13. A dry period, lack of rain, aridity.
  9. 16. Also called smog, is one of the most dangerous and widespread pollutants.
  10. 17. Synonymous to snowslide, snow slip.
  11. 19. Also a pandemic, widespread disease.
  12. 20. Also called a hunger, scarcity of food.
  1. 1. A rain-bearing cloud that also produces lightning. Also known as an electrical storm.
  2. 2. In Latvia according to the Celsius scale, elsewhere also according to...
  3. 7. The study of the atmosphere and weather patterns over time.
  4. 9. A windstorm (as in a desert) driving clouds of sand before it.
  5. 10. What happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another?
  6. 12. It plays a critical role in respiration. Humans and many other creatures, need it in the air we breathe to stay alive.
  7. 14. To convert (waste) into reusable material.
  8. 15. The introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
  9. 18. A type of storm called a tropical cyclone, which forms over tropical or subtropical waters.