Natural Disasters - Floods

  1. 2. Something people need to survive?
  2. 4. Stretchers are used to provide _______?
  3. 5. A large mass of water that's usually dry.
  4. 8. When people have to leave their homes?
  5. 10. Evacuation centres need __________ for people.
  6. 12. Schools often become evacuation _______ for people.
  7. 13. This covers the ground during a flood?
  1. 1. Group of people all affected in one area?
  2. 3. Left behind after a flood
  3. 4. Some people lost their ______________?
  4. 6. Natural ___________?
  5. 7. After a flood communities need to _______?
  6. 9. Some people lose everything except their ______ they are wearing.
  7. 11. Change in _________ can result in a flood.