Natural Disasters - Floods and Fires

  1. 2. dishonest activities, eg. stealing from public money
  2. 4. feeling like you don’t need to do anything more
  3. 7. people who steal
  4. 10. an artificial waterway constructed to allow the passage of boats or ships inland
  5. 11. loud sounds which warn people of danger
  6. 13. to affect a larger area
  7. 15. burning strongly
  8. 16. burning but you can only see smoke, not fire
  1. 1. the alternate rising and falling of the sea
  2. 3. warnings to people that danger is coming
  3. 5. Something like walls or fences located in the sea
  4. 6. highly destructive or damaging
  5. 8. leave your home in a hurry because of a disaster
  6. 9. very dangerous and destructive
  7. 12. dying in the water
  8. 14. fire which is burning brightly and strongly