Natural Disasters Vocabulary Review

  1. 5. moving people from a place to protect them from danger
  2. 6. to move in an unsteady way
  3. 7. a scientific or mechanical process, method, or device
  4. 9. not common
  5. 10. not aware or awake
  6. 15. parts or pieces of something that have been destroyed
  7. 16. to be powerful and violent
  8. 17. the point in the sky directly overhead
  9. 19. an extremely terrible event
  10. 21. a group of similar things
  11. 22. way of doing something that requires skill
  12. 23. to happen
  13. 24. to have a very strong effect
  14. 26. information or facts
  15. 28. a tool or device, especially one used for scientific work
  16. 30. to notice
  1. 1. to shake a little bit
  2. 2. to fall down suddenly
  3. 3. a result or an effect
  4. 4. terrible damage or harm
  5. 8. all of the people born around the same time
  6. 11. to splash
  7. 12. to stop or interrupt the movement of something
  8. 13. to check on something for a period of time
  9. 14. hurt or wounded
  10. 18. a unit 6 feet long, used to measure the depth of water
  11. 20. extremely large
  12. 25. strength or power
  13. 27. to examine something carefully
  14. 28. a picture in your mind
  15. 29. a patio or balcony
  16. 31. strange and scary