Natural disasters

  1. 2. A long period when there is no rain and people do not have enough water
  2. 3. An extremely strong and dangerous wind that blows in a circle and destroys buildings as it moves along
  3. 4. A sudden movement of the Earth's surface, often causing severe damage
  4. 8. When rocks and soil slide down a mountain or hill
  5. 10. A ​small, hard ​ball of ​ice that ​falls from the ​sky like ​rain
  1. 1. A violent storm with very strong winds
  2. 3. A very violent tropical storm
  3. 5. When a large amount of snow falls down the side of a mountain
  4. 6. A storm that has loud noise and sudden flashes of light in the sky
  5. 7. A sudden flash of light in the sky during a storm
  6. 9. When a lot of water covers an area that is usually dry, especially when a river becomes too full