Natural Disasters and Emergencies

  1. 2. An ____________ occurs in an area with snowy mountains.
  2. 3. There is a mother at the mall who is looking for her ______ child.
  3. 6. A ______________ is a dangerous wind storm that is common in the Midwest United States.
  4. 7. Firefighters came to put out the __________ next door.
  5. 8. A ___________ happens when there is a large amount of snow.
  6. 9. A ________ occurs when there is no food.
  1. 1. The ground shakes when there is an _____________.
  2. 4. The eye of the storm is where a ___________ is the strongest.
  3. 5. A ___________ happens when there is no rain or water.
  4. 9. If it keeps raining like this, there might be a _________.