Natural Elements

  1. 3. Small berry
  2. 5. Dreary and desolate
  3. 6. Purple fruit
  4. 7. Longest or shortest day
  5. 8. Thorny shrub
  6. 10. Orange-gold fruit
  7. 14. Gentle breeze
  8. 16. Animal life
  9. 17. Fish eggs
  10. 18. Equal day and night
  1. 1. Plant life
  2. 2. Yellow flower weed
  3. 3. Waterfall descent
  4. 4. Tropical disease
  5. 6. Fuzzy-skinned fruit
  6. 9. Small stream
  7. 11. Ocean's rising and falling
  8. 12. Open grassy area
  9. 13. Strong wind
  10. 15. Trim branches