Natural Elements

  1. 1. A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides.
  2. 4. A tall landform with a peak often covered in snow.
  3. 5. A slow-moving mass of ice formed from snow.
  4. 7. A violent windstorm with a twisting, funnel-shaped cloud.
  5. 9. A large area covered with trees and plants.
  6. 13. A dense, lush forest with high rainfall and biodiversity.
  7. 14. A vast body of saltwater covering most of Earth's surface.
  8. 15. Earth's natural satellite that orbits around it.
  1. 2. The bright, hot star at the center of our solar system.
  2. 3. A cascade of water flowing over a steep drop.
  3. 6. A mountain that can erupt, spewing lava and ash.
  4. 8. A dry and barren area with little vegetation.
  5. 10. A natural watercourse flowing toward an ocean or sea.
  6. 11. A large body of freshwater surrounded by land.
  7. 12. A deep, narrow valley with steep sides.