Natural features

  1. 1. A large body of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  2. 3. Rolling surges of water on the surface of an ocean, lake, or river.
  3. 6. A dense forest that receives a lot of rainfall.
  4. 7. A hot, dry area of land with little or no vegetation.
  5. 9. A large landmass that rises high above the surrounding area.
  6. 11. A place where a river drops sharply over a cliff.
  7. 12. The area of land along the edge of an ocean or lake that is covered with sand, pebbles, or other loose material.
  8. 14. A flowing body of water that empties into a larger body of water, lake, or ocean.
  1. 2. High, steep faces of rock along a coast or river.
  2. 4. A mountain that erupts hot lava, ash, and gas.
  3. 5. A large body of salt water smaller than an ocean.
  4. 7. Hills of sand formed by the wind in a desert.
  5. 8. A low area between hills or mountains.
  6. 10. A large body of water surrounded by land.
  7. 13. A large natural hole underground.