Natural Fibers

  1. 3. A leaf fiber,
  2. 5. vegetable fiber
  3. 6. the wool of the Angora rabbit
  4. 7. Filaments from cocoons of silkworms
  5. 8. Long strong and durable
  6. 9. It's is white with a silky luster
  7. 13. It's almost pure cellulose
  8. 14. camel hair
  1. 1. Too coarse for clothing and upholstery
  2. 2. Thin surface scales and is smooth to touch
  3. 4. Like cotton but more crystalline
  4. 5. the wool of kashmir goats
  5. 10. Huacayo alpacas produce soft, dense, short fibres
  6. 11. Dubbed the "golden fiber"
  7. 12. comes from sheep