Natural Forces

  1. 6. is any unwanted material in all forms that can cause harm.
  2. 7. is the lack of fresh water resources.
  3. 10. any uncontrolled and non-prescribed burning of plants.
  4. 12. is the extraction of natural gas,oil and coal reserves at a rate higher than nature replenishes.
  5. 15. an event that occurs when a cohesive slab of snow lying.
  6. 17. refers to the practice of protecting wild species and their habitats.
  7. 19. is an event of prolonged shortages in the water supply.
  1. 1. substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and other living ones.
  2. 2. removal of a forest trees from land to a non-forest.
  3. 3. refers to several forms of mass wasting that may include a wide range of ground movements.
  4. 4. is the heat absorbed by any greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
  5. 5. a storm with a violent wind.
  6. 6. series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water,generally in an ocean.
  7. 8. occurs when humanmade chemicals such as hydrocarbons and heavy metals find their way into the earth,altering the natural soil.
  8. 9. the impact of humanitiy's actions on the quality of aquatic and terrestrial environment.
  9. 11. it can result from an increase in births rate.
  10. 13. is a rapidly rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and cloud,windstorm as a twister.
  11. 14. is the shaking of the earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the earth's litosphere.
  12. 16. an enery crisis.
  13. 18. is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry.