Natural forces affect life on Earth

  1. 5. molten rock that comes out of a volcano, cools down and becomes solid rock again
  2. 6. Naturgewalt
  3. 10. Verletzlichkeit/Verwundbarkeit
  4. 12. Naturkatastrophe
  5. 15. Richterskala
  6. 18. when two oceanic plates move away from each other
  7. 19. (Vulkan-)Ausbruch
  8. 20. Zerstörung, another word for destruction
  9. 21. Erdbebenwelle
  10. 22. point vertically above the seismic focus
  11. 23. plate boundary of diverging plates
  12. 24. Erdbebenherd (point of origin of the earthquake)
  1. 1. plate boundary where a heavier oceanic plate moves under a lighter continental plate
  2. 2. German climatologist and polar researcher who developed the theory of continental drift
  3. 3. Plattengrenze
  4. 4. Frühwarnsystem
  5. 7. Katastrophenhilfe
  6. 8. Schildvulkan
  7. 9. molten rock below the surface of the earth
  8. 11. Lithosphäre (hard, outer part of the Earth consisting of the crust and upper mantle)
  9. 13. this happens at destructive plate boundaries and involves a continental and an oceanic plate
  10. 14. shaking of the ground
  11. 16. Schichtvulkan
  12. 17. große Hafenwelle