Natural Gas

  1. 5. How most natural gas is moved.
  2. 6. Number one Natural gas producing state.
  3. 7. Natural gas associates with this solid fuel.
  4. 8. Company that sells natural gas to consumers.
  5. 9. Strong smelling addative to natural gas.
  6. 13. Cannot be replenished quickly.
  7. 14. Producer of renewable methane;(organic decay).
  1. 1. Many _____________ use natural gas for heat.
  2. 2. A major user of natural gas.
  3. 3. Most natural gas is used to____homes and buildings.
  4. 4. Two words;fuel made from ancient plants and animals.
  5. 7. Form in which energy is stored in natural gas.
  6. 8. Where natural gas is usually found.
  7. 10. Main ingredient in natural gas.
  8. 11. Device to measure natural gas usage.
  9. 12. Energy from natural gas originated here.