Natural Gas Drilling

  1. 4. Surface _____?
  2. 5. State that passed a law
  3. 9. Process of pulling gas
  4. 11. They use ______ instruments
  5. 12. _______ Gas Drilling
  6. 14. It can give people _____
  7. 16. Tool used to fire into rock
  8. 17. Gas can ______ water
  9. 18. Surface _______?
  10. 19. Well_____
  11. 20. Causes this to humans and wildlife
  1. 1. Air ______
  2. 2. Country that has almost 100 less active drills
  3. 3. Place gas was first found
  4. 6. Fluid ______
  5. 7. ______ Restoration
  6. 8. Person who found gas
  7. 10. ____ Rock Formations
  8. 13. First Company Name
  9. 15. Direction they drill