Natural Hazards 1

  1. 2. The most violent and frequent hazard in the Caribbean
  2. 4. Ash fallout is an example of _________ hazards
  3. 6. Acid rainfall is an example of _________ hazards
  4. 7. What kind of volcano is the Kick ‘em Jenny volcano in Grenada?
  5. 9. A phenomenon that turns solid ground into a liquid-like state during an earthquake
  6. 12. The ________ scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake
  7. 13. Caribbean island with a very active volcano
  8. 14. The internal part of a seismograph
  1. 1. Active volcanoes are found in the _________ Caribbean
  2. 2. A potentially dangerous event or process
  3. 3. The ________ Intensity scale measures the intensity of earthquakes.
  4. 5. Sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves through Earth's rocks.
  5. 7. The scale used to measure a hurricane
  6. 8. Landslides and rock falls are _______ hazards
  7. 9. An example of a direct hazard
  8. 10. Occurs when the sea floor undergo abrupt vertical movement
  9. 11. A ________ flow is a fast-moving current of hot gas and volcanic matter