Natural Hazards

  1. 3. Where carbon dioxide is collected from burning fossil fuels and stored in the ground (6, 7)
  2. 4. The cause of bending trade winds due to the Earth spinning on its axis (8, 6)
  3. 6. Type of margin when plates move away from each other (12)
  4. 8. A county in the UK hit by bad flooding in 2014 (8)
  5. 9. A low lying country that could be hugely effected by rising sea level (10)
  6. 10. One of the rivers that contributed to Somerset floods (4)
  7. 14. A huge wave caused by an earthquake under the sea (7)
  8. 15. Plate margin when plates move towards each other and one goes under the other (11)
  9. 17. A storm with strong winds formed over the sea (9)
  10. 20. A very cool way of looking at the Earth’s climate over the last 800,000 years (3,5)
  11. 23. Dealing with the cause of climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere (10)
  12. 24. When two plates slide past each other (12)
  13. 25. A category 5 typhoon that hit the Philippines (6)
  14. 26. This greenhouse gas comes mainly from farming cattle, rice and decaying organic matter (7)
  15. 27. Taking sediment out of rivers (8)
  1. 1. When a population aims to cope with the impacts of climate change (10)
  2. 2. Mountains in South America (5)
  3. 5. When liquid rock comes out of the crust (7)
  4. 7. This greenhouse gas mainly comes from cars and deforestation (6, 7)
  5. 8. The gentle sloped volcano formed by runny lava (6)
  6. 11. This crust type is made of basalt (7)
  7. 12. An increase in the height of sea level due to low pressure of a tropical storm (5,5)
  8. 13. A Serbian physicist who worked on natural causes of climate change (12)
  9. 16. This causes plates to move (10,7)
  10. 18. Other than monitoring, predicting and protecting, what else can you do to reduce hurricane impacts (PPPM) (8)
  11. 19. Looking at the width of tree rings to determine past climate (11)
  12. 21. The layer beneath the crust (6)
  13. 22. The steep volcano formed by viscous lava (9)
  14. 24. This crust type is less dense (11)