Natural Hazards

  1. 3. Severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.
  2. 4. Rapidly spinning, funnel shaped cloud that touches the ground.
  3. 5. Mountain or hill, typically in the shape of a cone, which lava, rock fragments, and gas erupt.
  4. 9. methane, carbon dioxide, ozone, water vapor, nitrous oxide.
  5. 10. severe storm that develops over tropical oceans
  1. 1. Overflowing of a large amount of water that covers normally dry land.
  2. 2. Slide of large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff.
  3. 6. Shaking of the ground that results from movement in Earth's surface.
  4. 7. Uncontrolled fire in a wooded area.
  5. 8. Giant wave caused by movement in the sea floor