Natural Hazards

  1. 2. An elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means.
  2. 5. actions or events that occur at the Earth's surface due to application of natural forces resulting from gravity, temperature changes, freezing and thawing, chemical reactions, seismic shaking, and the agencies of wind and moving water, ice and snow.
  3. 8. The atmospheric conditions comprise the state of the atmosphere in the terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation.
  4. 10. When lava and gas are released from a volcano-sometimes explosivley.
  1. 1. An extreme natural event in the crust of the earth that pose a threat to life and property.
  2. 3. Predict or estimate.
  3. 4. Amomentoustragic events ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin.
  4. 6. An overflowing of a large ammount of water beyond its normal confires, espeically over whats is normally dry land.
  5. 7. Enviormental phenoma that have the potential to impact social and human.
  6. 9. A sudden violent shaking of the ground.