Natural Hazards

  1. 3. Massive rocks that make up the outer layersEarth's earth's surface
  2. 6. Is any object situation or behavior that can cause an injury illness or damage to property or the environment
  3. 7. The thickest layer of the earth
  4. 8. The movement of the continents across the earth's surface
  5. 10. Waves that transmit the energy released by an earthquake
  6. 11. The outer layer of the earth
  7. 12. The place where the earthquake feels the strongest
  1. 1. the hazardous energy caused by an earthquake
  2. 2. The layer of the earth that is made out of liquid metal
  3. 4. a fracture in the rocks that make up the Earth's Crust
  4. 5. is the layer of the earth that is made eout of solid metal
  5. 9. Is where the earthquake begins
  6. 12. the sudden release of strain energy in the Earth's crust, resulting in waves of shaking that radiate outwards from the earthquake source