Natural Hazards

  1. 1. Cause of most diseases.
  2. 3. The substance that Hail is made of.
  3. 6. Affects many people but death rate is usually quite low.
  4. 9. The natural hazard caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
  5. 10. What the molten rock in Volcanoes are called.
  6. 11. What Cyclones need to sustain.
  7. 12. The natural hazard that commonly occurs in Victoria.
  1. 1. Australia's least threatening natural disaster.
  2. 2. The natural hazard that causes extremely high rain.
  3. 4. The scale Earthquakes are measured.
  4. 5. The cause of most Bushfires.
  5. 7. This natural hazard causes massive damage to infrastructure, especially to cars.
  6. 8. Type of flood that usually causes major damage.
  7. 13. Many flat areas are isolated due to this natural hazard.