Natural Hazards

  1. 2. A storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean.
  2. 5. A storm of heavy hail.
  3. 6. An excessive amount of water
  4. 9. A localized, very intense low-pressure wind system, forming over tropical oceans and with winds of hurricane force.
  5. 10. A mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.
  6. 11. A long, high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance
  7. 12. A fire in scrub or a forest, especially one that spreads rapidly.
  8. 14. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  1. 1. The occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, accompanied by a bright flash and typically also thunder.
  2. 3. Violent saking of the ground
  3. 4. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapour, and gas are or have been erupted from the earth's crust.
  4. 7. A collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
  5. 8. A prolonged period of heat
  6. 11. A mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system
  7. 13. A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.