Natural Kingdom

  1. 1. It is some thing we are made of
  2. 4. It is some thing the celulas are made of
  3. 7. It is the main bacteria in this newspaper
  4. 8. It is Eukaryote pluricelular and autotroph
  5. 9. It is an animal from the ones we come from
  6. 10. It is this
  7. 11. It is a unicelular algae
  1. 2. It is eukaryote pluricelular and heterotroph
  2. 3. It is Prokaryote and unicelular
  3. 5. It is the last univers commun ancestor
  4. 6. It is Eukaryote pluricelular and unicelular and autotroph
  5. 8. It is eukaryote unicelular and the most of them causes sickness