Natural Law

  1. 5. A good act that is in accordance with God’s will
  2. 7. Laws made by humans i.e. 'vandalism is illegal'.
  3. 10. Four pivotal human virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
  4. 13. Faith, hope, and charity
  5. 14. The (false/ outward) motive / intention for performing an act.
  6. 16. Application of the primary precepts using human reason, which are not absolute (relativist) as they might change over time, as our society changes.
  7. 17. We are born with certain ideas, and so knowledge.
  8. 18. Human law, Natural law, Divine law, Eternal law.
  1. 1. An act that is done with a good intention but is not in accordance with God’s will
  2. 2. The actual motive / intention for performing an act.
  3. 3. Key thinker of Natural Law
  4. 4. God's or nature's law that defines right from wrong and is higher than human law: conscience and reason
  5. 6. Knowledge prior to (before) experience.
  6. 8. The first God given principle, known a-priori 'Good is to be done and evil avoided'.
  7. 9. Someone who believes in an eternal unchanging standard of right and wrong.
  8. 11. The five main purposes of humankind's existence (given by God). These are absolutist and A-priori.
  9. 12. God-given instructions and guidelines for life derived from the scriptures.
  10. 15. God's wisdom as manifested in all acts and movements. Difficult to fully 'know' but can be inferred from nature/ science.