Natural phenomena

  1. 3. (n) a violent tropical storm
  2. 5. (n) a storm with strong winds that move in a circle
  3. 7. (n) an extremly large wave in the sea
  4. 9. (n) an unexpected event, a very bad accident
  5. 12. (v) to attack
  6. 13. (n) a mountain with a large hole in the top where gases and lava are forced out
  7. 14. (n) pieces of wood, metal, building materials, etc. that are left after something has been destroyed
  8. 16. (n) mud sliding from a moutain
  9. 17. (v) to explode
  1. 1. (v) to place something in the ground
  2. 2. (v) to fall down & break apart
  3. 4. (adj) having no home
  4. 6. (n) a long period of time with little or no rain
  5. 8. (n) a place to live, work or stay in
  6. 10. (adj) hurt, having an injury
  7. 11. (v) to move quickly from side to side and or up and down
  8. 12. (n) protection from rain,danger or attack
  9. 15. (n) a person who continues to live, despite nearly dying
  10. 17. (n) a sudden,violent shaking of the earth's surface
  11. 18. (v) to put somebody in a dangerous place that they cannot get out of