Natural Phenomena

  1. 3. A weather event characterized by hailstones, often damaging crops and property.
  2. 5. The daily event when the sun appears above the horizon in the east, marking the start of the day.
  3. 7. A celestial object composed of ice, dust, and gas that develops a bright tail when near the sun.
  4. 8. A violent and destructive windstorm with a twisting funnel-shaped cloud.
  5. 9. A series of large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.
  6. 11. A mountain or vent in the Earth's crust that can erupt, releasing lava, ash, and gases.
  7. 12. A natural light display in the Earth's sky, often seen near the polar regions.
  8. 13. When one celestial body passes in front of another, such as a solar or lunar eclipse.
  9. 15. Shower A celestial event when numerous meteors appear to radiate from a single point in the night sky.
  1. 1. A weather event characterized by thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and sometimes hail.
  2. 2. A thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended near the Earth's surface, reducing visibility.
  3. 4. A meteorological phenomenon where sunlight is refracted, creating a colorful arc in the sky.
  4. 6. The shaking of the Earth's surface caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
  5. 10. A mass of snow, ice, and debris rapidly descending down a mountain slope.
  6. 14. The daily event when the sun disappears below the horizon in the west, signaling the end of the day.