Natural Phenomena

  1. 2. An overflow of water onto normally dry land, often caused by heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or dam failure, resulting in property damage and displacement of people.
  2. 3. A severe snowstorm characterized by strong winds, low temperatures, and heavy snowfall, often causing whiteout conditions and travel disruptions.
  3. 8. A rapidly rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, often characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud and high winds.
  4. 9. A sudden flash of light caused by electrical discharge during a thunderstorm, often followed by thunder.
  5. 10. A natural light display in the Earth's sky, usually observed in polar regions, caused by the interaction of solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field.
  6. 12. shower A celestial event in which a group of meteors enters the Earth's atmosphere and appears as bright streaks of light across the sky, often associated with comet debris.
  7. 14. The shaking or trembling of the ground caused by the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, often resulting in destruction and aftershocks.
  1. 1. eclipse An astronomical event in which the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, partially or completely blocking the Sun's light, casting a shadow on the Earth.
  2. 4. A sudden and rapid flow of snow down a mountainside or slope, often triggered by factors such as heavy snowfall, wind, or human activity.
  3. 5. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to water shortages, crop failures, and environmental damage.
  4. 6. A powerful tropical cyclone with sustained winds exceeding 74 miles per hour, often accompanied by heavy rain, storm surges, and widespread damage.
  5. 7. An arc of colors in the sky caused by the refraction and dispersion of sunlight through water droplets in the atmosphere.
  6. 8. A series of large ocean waves generated by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides, often resulting in coastal flooding and destruction.
  7. 11. fire An uncontrolled fire in a forest or wooded area, often caused by lightning, human activity, or natural events, resulting in widespread burning and destruction.
  8. 13. eruption The sudden release of magma, gases, and ash from a volcano, often resulting in lava flows, ash clouds, and pyroclastic flows.