Natural phenomenon

  1. 2. A mountain with a large, circular hole at the top through which lava.
  2. 5. A circle of white or colored light around the sun.
  3. 7. A powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river.
  4. 9. Where the moon appears darkened as it passes into the Earth's shadow.
  5. 10. An arch of different colors seen in the sky when rain is falling and the sun is shining.
  6. 11. A flash of bright light in the sky.
  7. 12. The galaxy that includes the earth.
  1. 1. sudden violent movement of the Earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage.
  2. 3. A natural appearance of colored light in the sky that is usually seen in the latitudes.
  3. 4. An atmospheric optical phenomenon in which a vertical.
  4. 6. A spring whose water issues at a temperature higher.
  5. 8. Where the sun is obscured by the moon.