Natural Protein fibres

  1. 2. A common type of wild silk.
  2. 7. A microscopic honeycomb-like core, containing air spaces that increases the insulating power of wool fibres.
  3. 9. Describes the weight of silk.
  4. 11. Production of a natural filament fibre.
  5. 12. Wool that has never been processed.
  6. 13. A process applied to silk to produce better drape, covering power and dye absorption, by adding metallic salts. This treatment causes fabric to age and disintegrate faster.
  7. 14. A unique property of wool due to the structure of the fibre. Combination of agitation, friction and pressure with heat and moisture,adjacent wool fibres move rootward and the scale edges inerlock, resulting in shrinkage.
  8. 16. Water-soluble gum, protecting silk fibres.
  1. 1. Describes fibres with high moisture absorbency or regain and the ability to remain dry to the touch.
  2. 3. __silk that can be magnetized and conduct electricity. This kind of silk has exceptional strength.
  3. 4. The cross-linked protein in wool.
  4. 5. Wool from animals younger than 7 months.
  5. 6. A staple protein fibre.
  6. 8. This characteristic of wool is important to consumers, since it clothes resist wrinkling, wrinkles disappear between uses and fabric maintain it's shape.
  7. 10. Silk used in fabrics such as shantung, where 2 silkworms spin their cocoons together, creating yarn with irregular appearance.
  8. 15. A silk protein.