Natural recourses

  1. 2. burning of fuels
  2. 5. chemisal symbol H
  3. 7. smoke and fog
  4. 10. oxidation of ammonia to nitrite
  5. 12. breaking down of gluecose
  6. 13. conversion back to elemental nitrogen
  7. 17. chemisal symbol C
  8. 19. transfer of energy with no medium
  9. 21. chemisal symbol N
  10. 22. blanket around earth
  11. 24. chemisal symbol N3
  12. 25. chemisal symbol N2
  1. 1. introduction of harmful materials into environment
  2. 3. chemisal symbol o3
  3. 4. ______ corrents are reradiated sun rays
  4. 6. degredation
  5. 8. living components in environment
  6. 9. chemisal symbol H2O
  7. 11. cloud near surface
  8. 14. elemental nitrogen to absorbable nitrogen
  9. 15. 1st layer of atmosphere
  10. 16. non living components of environment
  11. 18. chemisal symbo O
  12. 20. concertion do CO2 to gluecose
  13. 23. caused by uneven heating of air