Natural Resource Terms

  1. 3. washing away of the nutrients in the ground water
  2. 4. dead and decayed leaves and stems
  3. 6. the breakdown of materials
  4. 7. emissions generated in the intestines of an animal
  5. 11. needed in large amounts by the plant
  6. 14. occurs in the absence of air
  7. 16. rock from which soil forms
  1. 1. practice of including trees in a pasture
  2. 2. the working of soils by animals
  3. 5. growing plants in water
  4. 8. a layer in a soil profile
  5. 9. animal unit month
  6. 10. the production potential of a crop
  7. 12. a path of movement with a gps
  8. 13. a location marked on a gps
  9. 15. refers to the area a waterway needing protection