Natural Resources

  1. 2. made of 4 systems, atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere
  2. 8. resources that are replenished at the same rate of its usage
  3. 11. air
  4. 13. energy sources that is not within Earth's system
  5. 15. used by humans for survival and to improve the quality of their lives
  6. 16. wood burned for energy as heat and light
  1. 1. resources that aren't replenished at the same rate of its usage
  2. 2. natural resources people use for energy
  3. 3. Natural Resources humans use to make objects or to eat as food
  4. 4. rocks, minerals
  5. 5. living things
  6. 6. water
  7. 7. atoms of uranium are split apart to release energy
  8. 9. cannot be created or destroyed
  9. 10. release energy when they are burned, nonrenewable
  10. 12. energy from the sun is absorbed and converted to electrical energy
  11. 14. A windmill uses moving air to turn the blades of a turbine and generate electrical energy