Natural resources

  1. 5. The management and use of a resource or an environment in a responsible and efficient way.
  2. 8. People's use of resources due to the decisions they make.
  3. 9. Environmental _____ is a way of measuring the land area that is required to make a product for people's use and to absorb the waste generated in its production.
  4. 10. The reduction in the availability of a natural resource.
  1. 1. _______ this turns used materials into new and useful ones. Common materials include glass and paper.
  2. 2. The use of natural materials in a way that ensures its supply continues in the future.
  3. 3. Describes natural resources that replenish more or less within the same time period it is used.
  4. 4. The removal of a natural resource from its original location, usually for people's use.
  5. 6. Unwanted or unusable materials
  6. 7. If we use resources at a faster rate than it can be naturally replenished, its availability changes from unlimited to _____.