  1. 6. O3
  2. 8. It is the Basic need of Life
  3. 12. Plants need oxygen for _______
  4. 13. Atmosphere covers the Earth Like a ________
  5. 14. In this process, the ammonia is converted into nitrate by the presence of bacteria in the soil in Nitrogen Cycle
  6. 16. The solid form of Water
  7. 17. The cooling of Water Vapor to Water
  8. 18. It is the Life Supporting Zone
  9. 19. Process which results in Consumption of Oxygen
  1. 1. Process in Which a water body becomes overly enriched with nutrients
  2. 2. One of the Processes of Nitrogen Cycle
  3. 3. Cycle which Through Biotic and Abiotic Components are Cycled
  4. 4. The Movement of Air
  5. 5. The Symbol is ‘K’
  6. 7. NH4
  7. 9. There are 3 types of ______ Soil, Air and Water
  8. 10. Where plants are kept warm during winters.
  9. 11. C6H12O6
  10. 15. Symbiotic Bacteria involved in Nitrogen Fixation